Terms of use of the guarantee
The guarantee is only valid against the presentation of a receipt/invoice and a guarantee card, which certify the purchase of the product from VERTORA OOD.
The warranty is given when the product is used for its intended purpose and in compliance with the instructions for unpacking, operation and care of the product, as described in this warranty card. In the event that it is necessary to hand it over to VERTORA OOD for repair or replacement, the product must be carefully packed, stored and in a good sanitary and hygienic condition.
Non-standard size products are serviced by repair. The terms of the guarantee apply only to the territory of Bulgaria and are in addition to the rights established by law.
Deviation from the size of the mattress in length and width greater than +/- 2 centimeters, in accordance with the requirements of the BDS. Deviation from the height of the mattress greater than +/- 1 centimeter, in accordance with the requirements of the European standard DIN EN 1334.
Sinking into the mattress body, less than 3 centimeters. Damage to the mattress as a result of using an inappropriate base or undermattress system for placement and operation.
Preferences for convenience and comfort, softness and firmness.
Stains from dirt or burning.
Rubbing the textile and the damask.
Presence of smell from the production process (after airing the product it will disappear).
The appearance of mold and/or mold as a result of increased humidity in the room or the use of devices that emit moisture, as well as the appearance of mold and/or mold 3 months after purchasing the product.
An unpacked mattress that is the wrong size or model due to the customer's fault is not subject to replacement.
No responsibility is assumed regarding the physical and health condition of the user. The natural change in color as a result of prolonged use with PU material. The change does not affect the quality of the mattress and its functionality.
Failure to follow the instructions for operation and maintenance of the mattress described in the warranty card.
Apply directly to VERTORA OOD.
This guarantee does not limit the client's rights guaranteed by Art. 112 - 118 of the Law on Consumer Protection, published 18/2011 Regardless of this commercial guarantee, the Merchant is responsible for the non-compliance of the product with the sales contract according to Art. 112-115.
Art. 112. (1) In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract, the consumer has the right to file a complaint, asking the seller to bring the goods into compliance with the sales contract. In this case, the consumer can choose between repairing the product or replacing it with a new one, unless this is impossible or the method of compensation chosen by him is disproportionate compared to the other. (2) It is considered that a given method of compensation for the consumer is disproportionate if its use imposes costs on the seller which, compared to the other method of compensation, are unreasonable, taking into account:
1. the value of the consumer good if there was no lack of discrepancy
2. The significance of the discrepancy;
3. The ability to offer the user another way of compensation that is not associated with significant inconvenience for him.
Art. 113. (1) (New - SG No. 18 of 2011) When the consumer goods do not comply with the sales contract, the seller is obliged to bring them into compliance with the sales contract.
(2) (Previous paragraph 1 – SG No. 18 of 2011) Bringing the consumer goods into compliance with the sales contract must be carried out within one month, counted from the submission of the claim by the consumer.
(3)(Previous para. 2, amended - SG No. 18 of 2011) After the expiration of the term under para. 2 the consumer has the right to cancel the contract and to be reimbursed the amount paid or to request a reduction in the price of the consumer goods according to Art. 114.
(4) (Previous paragraph 3, amended - SG No. 18 of 2011) Bringing the consumer goods into compliance with the sales contract is free of charge for the consumer. He does not owe the cost of shipping the consumer product or the materials and labor involved in repairing it, and he should not suffer significant inconvenience.
(5) (Previous paragraph 4, amended - SG No. 18 of 2011) The user may also request compensation for damages suffered as a result of non-compliance.
Art. 114. (1) In case of non-compliance of the consumer goods with the sales contract and when the consumer is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint under Art. 113, he has the right to choose between one of the following options:
1. Cancellation of the contract and refund of the amount paid by him.
2. Price reduction.
(2) The consumer cannot claim a refund of the amount paid or a price reduction when the merchant agrees to replace the consumer goods with a new one or to repair the goods within one month of the consumer's complaint.
(3) (NEW - SG No. 61 of 2014) The trader is obliged to satisfy a request for cancellation of the contract and to refund the amount paid by the consumer when, after having satisfied three complaints of the consumer by repairing one and the same product, within the warranty period under Art. 115, there is a subsequent occurrence of non-compliance of the goods with the sales contract.
(4) (Previous paragraph 3 – SG No. 61 of 2014) The consumer cannot claim to cancel the contract if the non-conformity of the goods with the contract is insignificant.
Art. 115. (1) The consumer may exercise his right under this section within a period of up to two years, counted from the delivery of the consumer goods.
(2) The term under para. 1 ceases to run during the time necessary for the repair or replacement of the consumer goods or for reaching an agreement between the seller and the consumer to resolve the dispute.
(3) The exercise of the user's right under para. 1 is not bound by any other term for filing a claim, other than the term under para. 1.
Art. 123. (2) When the manufacturer or the trader has provided a commercial guarantee for the goods and the satisfaction of the claim is carried out by replacing the goods with another corresponding to the agreed, the trader is obliged to keep the original guarantee conditions for the consumer.
When the claim is satisfied by repairing the goods, the repairs carried out are reflected in the warranty card and the repair period is added to the warranty period.
The warranty conditions apply only to domestic consumption and are not applicable to hotels, hospitals and other public establishments. VERTORA OOD has a specialized range of products, designed for the needs of public institutions.
The products come with non-standard sizes that are compatible with the previous installation.
Useful tips:
Repeat the math first. This prevents the possibility of moisture from the human body interacting unfavorably with the mattress and prolongs the life of the mattress.
Clean the mat with a cyx brush, a soft brush or a damp sponge.
Use the minimum amount of capyn.
What not to do:
Do not roll or bend the mat more than 30 degrees, as such actions may damage the polyethylene foam of the mat.
Don't be prone and don't lift the bar at all, so it's not necessary for this kind of weight concentration or pressure.
Do not use chemical lens cleaning agents or solvents. Heavy duty can lead to dam age and injury. Avoid having to give way in the areas of the mat, as this way you unevenly load the mat.
Do not use nylon/polyester or long sheets and 100% synthetic material. The mattress must be able to breathe, and in this way you stop its traction function. We recommend using VERTORA sheets made of 100% organic cotton
Do not write in the bed or leave it near open flames.
The warranty applies to normal use of the product and the original receipt/factotype and warranty card. Completed fields do not eliminate gaps!